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Tuesday 6 December 2022

Poem 4: Being Human



by Stevie Dufyn

Eve was joined to Adam by the hip, to be fruitful and multiply
To fill the earth, and to keep it healthy.
But they divided, Adam making Eve his assistant.
Who fed him, clothed him, blamed for gifting wisdom.

The patriarchy told the story, condemning Eve and sparing Adam,
Cancelling the serpent, cursing us all.
Men distanced from women, humans from animals
Which they killed, skinned and ate.

The hunter Cain killed gardener-grower Abel
Cutting final links with paradise,
Requiring nakedness to be covered
And lives to be lived in pain.

Our human predicament contained within a myth,
Hard to reverse now patriarchy deifies itself.
A patriarchy greedy for power, riches, land,
Who make and police their rules.

Jealousy and violence creates war and violence.
Revenge, disrespect, lust.
Even the chosen family of Noah divides
Black, brown and white families via Shem, Ham and Japheth.

Of the women, Sarah bullied Hagar, almost to death,
Rebecca favoured cheater Jacob over Esau the Red.
Dinah was raped, the rapist’s family slaughtered.
Worthy Tamar condemned to death for having rights.

These were not peaceful times, at least in these fictions.
Heads roll, bodies cut up, girls kidnapped for marriage.
Their plots match police TV dramas today,
About wealth, power, jealousy, misogyny, greed.

The poor were made slaves, captives and foreigners too.
Vicious war against neighbours common.
Recent wars, and social violence worldwide, make this a human condition,
A genetic flaw, a contributor to human extinction.

Humans are custodians of a burning world, an oven
Which our grandchildren will inherit.
Political lies unchecked, misinformation of the rich
Small minds, small thoughts, corrupt leaders,

©  Stevie Dufyn   December 2020.

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