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Saturday, 29 March 2008

Breaking the Vicious Cycle

Our vital task as educators is to break into the vicious cycle, or the downward spiral, which keeps pupils thinking negatively. When? We cannot break through for children, but we can help them to break through. We can lead them to the point of readiness.We can change the picture they have of themselves in their heads.How long does it take to turn pupils around? Daniel Goleman & TheDalai Lama, in Destructive Emotions and Healing Emotions claim breakthrough through meditation to be through an 8-10 weeks programme. Visualisation – creating a positive reflective story for children to use as a mental template, shows similar changes after 6 to 8 weeks.
The example below sees breakthroughs in programmes of around 8 weeks using visualisation and discussion.

Swindon Youth Empowerment Programme – positive principles in education and upbringing
1. We have personal potential / inner strengths, called ‘gems’.
2. Dual nature (negative/positive). We have to choose which.
3. Positive interactions (speech, gestures) resolves conflict builds relationships and creates a positive environment.
4. Social cooperative action enables us to work together to build a better world.
5. Good examples and role models guide the choices we have to make. What would the wisest person we have known have done?
6. We can take control transform ourselves and our world have agency be engaged and empowered.

Mnemonic: GERMINATE (encouraging growth!)

We all have 'Gems', inner strengths;
Examples and Role Models can help;
Interactions (speech, gestures and attitudes) need to be positive
our Nature has positive and negative aspects to choose from;
Cooperative Actions help create a better world;
We can Transform our lives
and be Engaged in the community.

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